Owner/Operator: Comments http://www.kidsfunstop.com/blog/2010/08/09/OwnerOperator.aspx Latest comments for Owner/Operator By: kay benson The events are gearing up. Music starts Wed 9/8 and we also have a multiples group that is forming. Last count, I believe we have about 15 sets of twins and I've met a couple of mothers in the last few days who are expecting twins in December! A couple of mom's have asked about getting a group of mother's who are expecting between Thanksgiving and the end of December, that will be listed on the web site within the next week. The groups have been a bit slow to start over the summer, but now with the fall upon us, they should be catching on! Come play soon! Kay http://www.kidsfunstop.com/blog/2010/08/09/OwnerOperator.aspx kay benson 9/3/2010 8:30:00 PM By: Laneice Hi Kay, I came to Kids Fun Stop for the first time on Friday, October 1. My daughter (Kyla-Journey) and I came at 1:40 pm and we stayed until closing. She loves it! When we first got there she could not figure out which thing to play with. Her ultimate favorite thing ended up being the playhouse. That is where she spent most her time. Kyla made a lot of new frieds. The space is safe, clean, open, and the price is just right. Thank you. Laneice Womack http://www.kidsfunstop.com/blog/2010/08/09/OwnerOperator.aspx Laneice 10/6/2010 9:19:00 AM By: Patricio This looks great!! http://www.kidsfunstop.com/blog/2010/08/09/OwnerOperator.aspx Patricio 10/27/2010 12:17:00 PM By: Vanessa Price should be reduced for infants. http://www.kidsfunstop.com/blog/2010/08/09/OwnerOperator.aspx Vanessa 1/23/2011 3:05:00 PM By: Kay Thanks for your feedback. We don't charge for children under 1 - infants - unless they are utilizing our playspace (ie at least crawling). If you come in with just one child & that child isn't crawling yet, we just charge $5 and give you a free pass for a future visit once the child is mobile. Since we have such a nice/large area devoted to the infants we charge the same rate for all children who come to play, regardless of age. We are certianly open to suggestions though, and appreciate comments! Thanks for play at Kids FUN Stop! http://www.kidsfunstop.com/blog/2010/08/09/OwnerOperator.aspx Kay 1/24/2011 5:03:00 PM By: makoumba I would like to know if the place is not open to kids 8 and up. http://www.kidsfunstop.com/blog/2010/08/09/OwnerOperator.aspx makoumba 1/26/2011 11:15:00 PM By: Kay Our playspace is definately geared towards children 6 and under so there isn't much for older children to do. That being said, of course we "allow" older siblings but generally older children bring a book or hang out with their sibling like a "mother's helper". We don't charge for the older children since we aren't anticpiating for them to play - we treat them more like adults! Hope that hleps. http://www.kidsfunstop.com/blog/2010/08/09/OwnerOperator.aspx Kay 1/27/2011 11:30:00 AM By: Tolu I visited KFS for the first time last month. Let's just say my son and my niece didn't want to leave. I love the ample play space and the multiples of the same kinds toys. If you could get some more Thomas engines, that would be great. My son and two other boys got in an awful spat over the only one in sight! http://www.kidsfunstop.com/blog/2010/08/09/OwnerOperator.aspx Tolu 3/26/2011 7:35:00 PM By: Kay So glad the kids had fun. Hope you'll come play again soon! I'll see what I can do about the Thomas engine. I've been on the lookout for another one but have yet to find one like the one I have. http://www.kidsfunstop.com/blog/2010/08/09/OwnerOperator.aspx Kay 3/28/2011 3:28:00 PM By: jen I AM VERY UPSET AT KAYS FUN STOP, MY INLAWS WATCHED MY 2 YR OLD DAUGHTER, AND PICK KAYS TO LET HER HAVE FUN. THEY GOT IN AND SHOES OFF, WHEN A EMPLOYEE SAID THERE WAS A PARTY GOING ON. MY DAUGHTER STARTED TO CRY, AND THE MOTHER OF THE CHILD HAVING THE PARTY SAW HOW UPSET SHE WAS AND SAID SHE WAS WELCOME TO STAY. WOW HOW NICE WE THOUGHT UNTILL THE EMPLOYEE SAID WELL THE PARTY IS ALMOST OVER AND SHE WILL HAVE TO LEAVE THEN. I AM APAULED THAT A CHILDS PLAY GYM A EMPLOYEE WOULD SAY THAT. I WILL THINK TWICE ABOUT EVER GOING BACK THERE. http://www.kidsfunstop.com/blog/2010/08/09/OwnerOperator.aspx jen 4/24/2011 10:11:00 PM By: Kay Benson Jen - I'm so sorry that your child was upset because we were closed for a private birthday party. Unlike many play spaces, we are closed to the public during parties and unfortunately it is common that people come in thinking/hoping that we are open b/c they see the cars in the lot. It is unfortunate that neither the closed sign on the door or the "closed for private party" banner below it were noticed. I encourage our employees to offer the child a stamp & sticker to help ease the tears when the signs go un-noticed & they come in anyway, but unfortunately it is not always easy to help the child feel better. Often times the parents who have booked the party say it's ok to let a child come in -- but we offer private parties and since that is what the parents & guests have booked & expect, we have to enforce that. We will continue to keep our hours & policy consistent so parents know when we are open & when we are not. Typically we are open 7 days a week and the only times we are closed are Sat/Sun afternoons after 1pm. We hope you'll bring your daughter back to enjoy our play space during our regular play hours. Thank you! http://www.kidsfunstop.com/blog/2010/08/09/OwnerOperator.aspx Kay Benson 4/25/2011 12:36:00 PM By: carol my daughter paige just loves kids fun stop. her first time there she had a blast so i brought her back a couple of days later and she is still talking about the great time she had. I love the place because it is a safe environment for her to play although it is very tough getting her to leave. we both love the classic merry go round. i think this is the best!!!!! http://www.kidsfunstop.com/blog/2010/08/09/OwnerOperator.aspx carol 6/10/2011 2:51:00 PM By: Online Gokken Dear Kay! Your writing taste excites me every time I read your fresh post! Thanks for sharing.. It's very useful not only for me but for everybody! I will bookmark this for my future needs. http://www.kidsfunstop.com/blog/2010/08/09/OwnerOperator.aspx Online Gokken 10/10/2012 7:32:00 AM By: Alexandro Brenton I'm a big fan of Kids' FUN Stop Blog and always found this blog post pretty effective for my children as well. My kids were always enjoyed playing in your play space and this time they are willing to play again. Please let me know this about the next week playgroups schedule. Thanks http://www.kidsfunstop.com/blog/2010/08/09/OwnerOperator.aspx Alexandro Brenton 10/19/2012 12:53:00 AM